Please enjoy these food photos from The Refuge, just don’t lick your computer… Slideshow of my faves below, the rest are here.
[slidepress gallery=’the-refuge-food’]
Santa Cruz Photographer for Weddings, Families, Commercial, Food, Lifestyle and More!
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Thursday, December 3, 2009 Posted in Food, Photography, Restaurants
Please enjoy these food photos from The Refuge, just don’t lick your computer… Slideshow of my faves below, the rest are here.
[slidepress gallery=’the-refuge-food’]
Tags: ale, bay area, bay area architecture photographers, bay area food photographers, bay area restaurant photographers, bay area restaurant photography, beer, belgian, best, chris schmauch, Food, food photography, good eye, goodeye, images, kitchen, matt levin, meat, pastrami, photographer, photographers, photography, photos, pics, refuge, restaurant, san carlos, san carlos food photographers, san carlos restaurant photographers, santa cruz, tap, the refuge
« Glowing Details (The Refuge) Behind the Scenes in the Kitchen (The Refuge) »
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